This week we read an article " Action Based Research and answered the following questions:
A. Use the article “Action Based
Research” to answer the following questions
- What is the
Kairos for this article? Why is this significant?
- Name of
Article: Learning to do Action Research for Social Change
- Publisher:
International Journal of Communication; University of Sussex.
- Author:
Jethro Pettit
- When it was
published: 2010
2. Define each of the following
terms: action research, participatory methods (approaches), reflective
practice, and cooperative
Action Research: “Action research
provides an alternative approach to bringing about changes in knowledge,
policy, and practice…broadly defined, starts with a very different view of what
knowledge is, where it comes from, and how it continues to change…this involves
weaving together diverse methodological strands and research traditions, and
then combining these with learning about theories and concepts of power,
participation and social change”(Pettit, 2010).
Participatory methods (approaches): approaches like for example participatory rural
appraisal, participatory learning and action that provide active involvement in
decision making, skills of critical reflection. According to Pettit, “ Finally, there is
growing evidence of the ways that action research processes can transform
people and institutions – not through linear models of
research-policy-practice, but through emergent forms of action-reflection”
(Pettit, 2010).
Reflective practice: “to help learners
bridge the words of experience and theory, and to integrate personal reflection
with critical analysis of their actions” (Pettit, 2010). Individuals learn from their own experiences
rather than formal teaching. “Students experiment with diverse methods for
inquiring into their personal values, senses of purpose and motivation, and the
sources and inspirations for these that exist in their lives. They also look
self-critically at their own positionality and actions” (Pettit, 2010).
Cooperative Inquiry: the idea is to research with other people not only on
people. It gives the example of a student
that formed a cooperative group with other organization “For example,
one student formed a cooperative inquiry group with her Brazilian organization
in order to explore changes that were taking place in the organization, in
their relationships, and in their perceptions of partners outside the
organization” (Pettit, 2010).
3. Briefly summarize the
author’s argument.
The author talks about a program
he created, MA participation, Power and Social change (MAP) it is a program
that focuses on action research. Where the students use their own personal
experiences to help with the research and learning process. “The a behing this
approach to action research is that one’s work environment can be a place of
learning, using everyday activities and experiences as a basis for inquiry”
(Pettit, 2010)
4. According to the author what
is the difference between conventional research and action research?
For what I understand
conventional research is for example when we use different documents or studies
that have been done research on other projects. Action research in this case
means that we need to be actively involved with the research and be part of it
including our everyday experiences. According to Pettit, “Traditionally,
research has been the province of highly qualified, specialized academics, with
the “subjects” of research in a largely passive role. In Action research, these
roles change. Knowledge is co-created through a shared process, researchers become
actors for change, and practitioners become learners and shapers of meaning”
(Pettit, 2010).
Why is this significant? How is
this related to our semester theme of citizen journalism?
We learned that a citizen
journalist could be anyone who actively participates by giving a story or news
about an event that the person witnessed. By reading “Learning to do Action
Research for Social Change” we learned also that to do action research we need
to actively participate on the research including our own experiences. It is
related to or semester topic because they both have the same in common, our
active participation, our own experiences need to be involved with our
5. What is the Institute of
Development Studies? What is the MA in Participation, Power, and Social
Change? How are they related to
what the author wants to accomplish with action research? Give three
specific examples of how the
author hopes they will help him meet his goal.
The Institute of Development
Studies (IDS) is “a research, teaching, and consulting institute focused on
interdisciplinary, collaborative approaches to issues of global poverty and
inequality” (Pettit, 2010).
The MA in Participation, Power
and Social Change (MAP) is “ an 18-month program in three parts which makes action
research central to the learning process” (Pettit,2010).
As far as the examples, Pettit mentioned
“ If we are to teach, and to facilitate learning, effectively, inclusively, and
democratically, then we need to internalize and apply action research approaches
as a collective vehicle to bring about personal transformation and social
change within ourselves, as much as we do with others” (Pettit, 2010).
- What does it
mean to “co-create and mobilize knowledge for change?”
Co-create in this case meaning that
by including our own experiences, we become actors and that way we can develop
and come up with new ideas for a change. “Knowledge is co-created through a
shared process, researchers become actors for change, and practitioners become
learners and shapers of meaning” (Pettit, 2010).
7. Give examples of how action
research could be incorporated into your semester topic and your
literature review.
Action research to be
incorporated into my semester topic means that I would need to actively
participate on the research and provide my own experiences. In this case my
semester topic is Immigration reform, so I think I would need to talk or write
about my personal experience about immigration, how immigration reform has
affected or helped me and the point of view that I have about it.